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Loki Season 2 Episode 3: Mystery of Obi and Victor Timely

Loki Season 2 Episode 3


Welcome back, everybody, to another thrilling episode of The Cosmic Wonder! Today we’ve got a lot to unpack from the Loki Season 2 Episode 3. There’s been a theory circulating since the very first episode that Obi might actually be a villain, and with the events of episode three, it seems like that theory might just be coming true. But what’s even more interesting is that Victor Timely, who we also meet in this episode, could actually be a good guy. So buckle up, folks, because we’re about to dive deep into this complex web of characters and theories.

The Theory of Obi as a Villain

The idea that Obi could be a villain has been around since the first episode of Loki. And with the events of the latest episode, it’s looking more and more likely that this theory is correct. But why do we think Obi might be a villain? Well, it seems that he could be the key to helping He Who Remains return. Despite being seemingly dead, He Who Remains has the ability to transfer his consciousness into different variants using his own technology. This could mean that Obi is working with He Who Remains to help him make a comeback.

He Who Remains and His Return

In the comics, He Who Remains is not actually dead. Instead, he uses his technology to transfer his mind into alternate bodies right before he dies. This could explain why He Who Remains said “see you soon” to Sylvie before he died in the season finale of Loki. It seems like he wasn’t just talking about his variants, but himself as well. Some insiders have even suggested that He Who Remains will show up in Loki season 2, possibly with a new name like He Who Returns.

Victor Timely’s Role in the Plan

In this episode, we meet Victor Timely, a variant of Nathaniel Richards who was the original Kang the Conqueror. Unlike He Who Remains, Victor Timely’s origin is very different. He was given a TVA handbook by Renslayer, and in this version of his life, he didn’t create the TVA directly. His origin is very different from He Who Remains, and it’s likely that he plays a crucial role in He Who Remains’s plan to return.

Victor Timely’s Goodness

Despite being a bit of a scammer, Victor Timely shows many signs of being a good person. He’s not a conqueror, and he even goes out of his way to help a man he outbid for the temporal loom. This suggests that Victor Timely is a good variant and could potentially be an ally for Loki and Mobius in the future.

Obi’s Role in the Plan

While there are theories that Obi could be a Kang variant, it’s more likely that he’s helping He Who Remains with his plan. OB wrote the TVA guidebook, and he and He Who Remains were likely very close. OB probably played a massive role in creating and maintaining the TVA, so it’s likely that he’s taking He Who Remains’s side in all of this.

Loki Season 2: The God of Mischief Through Time and Space


In conclusion, the latest episode of Loki has given us a lot to think about. The theory that Obi is a villain seems to be gaining traction, while Victor Timely appears to be a good variant who could be an ally in the future. Meanwhile, He Who Remains’s plan to return is becoming more and more clear, and it seems like OB is playing a crucial role in helping him achieve that goal. As always, we can’t wait to see what happens next in this exciting series!


1. Is Obi a villain?

There is a theory that Obi might be a villain based on events in the latest episode of Loki. It seems like he could be helping He Who Remains return, which would make him a villain in the eyes of Loki and his allies.

2. How can He Who Remains return if he’s dead?

He Who Remains has the ability to transfer his consciousness into different variants using his own technology. This means that even though he is dead in one timeline, he can still return by transferring his mind into an alternate body.

3. What is Victor Timely’s role in the plan?

Victor Timely is a variant of Nathaniel Richards who was the original Kang the Conqueror. His origin is very different from He Who Remains, and it’s likely that he plays a crucial role in He Who Remains’s plan to return.

4. Is Victor Timely a good person?

Despite being a bit of a scammer, Victor Timely shows many signs of being a good person. He’s not a conqueror, and he even goes out of his way to help a man he outbid for the temporal loom. This suggests that Victor Timely is a good variant and could potentially be an ally for Loki and Mobius in the future.

5. What is Obi’s role in He Who Remains’s plan?

While there are theories that Obi could be a Kang variant, it’s more likely that he’s helping He Who Remains with his plan. OB wrote the TVA guidebook, and he and He Who Remains were likely very close. OB probably played a massive role in creating and maintaining the TVA, so it’s likely that he’s taking He Who Remains’s side in all of this.

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